
Europe’s strategy for 2020 is a route for smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth through knowledge and innovation, which sets an employment rate target of 75%.

The success of this strategy depends on the skills of Europe’s workforce. Enterprises need people with the skills required to compete and provide high-quality goods and services.

People need the right qualifications to find jobs. People with low levels of or no qualification are nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than those with high qualifications. In the EU, around 75 million people, nearly a third of the working population, have low levels of or no qualification. Too many young people, around 15%, leave school without any qualifications.

In the wood and furniture sector we can find the ESCO Free movement of workers brings about benefits both to the workers and employers concerned. Online job portals normally use one classification system and one language. It's difficult to exchange data between them, particularly when the systems are based in different countries. This makes it harder to find the right job abroad.

ESCO identifies and categorizes skills, competences, qualifications and occupations in a standard way, using standard terminology in all EU languages and an open format that can be used by third parties' software. It enables users to exchange CVs and job vacancies stored in different IT systems. Other organizations analyze and to define the European qualifications with the aim to unified the qualification in the European country like CEDEFOP, CEDEFOP Is one of the EU’s decentralized agencies. Founded in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, CEDEFOP supports development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The agency is helping the European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies. Cedefop: helping develop the right policies to provide the right skills.

The eurojoiner project with the information provided for the CEDEFP and the ESCO plus the partners knowledge and the expertise in the wood sector to elaborate a specific qualification to the European joiner/carpenter.